How We Help With The New Online 90 Minute CA Performance Test
As of July 2017, the CA Performance Test was changed from a 180-minute exam to a 90-minute timeframe. While this significant decrease in time shortened the amount of material tested on the CA Performance Test (“PT”), Applicants are still having a hard time properly organizing and finishing a passing 90-minute Performance Test on the exam.
Since 2010, CA Bar Style has been teaching CA Bar Exam Applicants how to properly utilize their time and attack the PT area of the CA Bar Exam. Let’s face it, performance tests are time consuming and most applicants put off doing them, if at all. Here at CA Bar Style, head tutor Shana Karpeles is known for pushing her Applicants to learn the proper way to answer a CA Performance Test and actually practice them!
The following is an overview of CA Bar Style’s Approach to preparing for the CA Performance Test:
Applicants will learn the format and tone of the different types of Persuasive and Objective Performance Tests tested on the CA Bar Exam. For instance, there is a significant difference between the formatting and tone of an Opinion Letter or a Demand Letter, and it is imperative that Applicants learn what different types of Performance Tests are tested on the exam so they can properly answer them.
CA Bar Style head tutor Shana Karpeles has developed a unique step-by-step approach to attacking the 90-minute CA Performance Test. This is not a cookie-cutter approach such as merely reading the Library before the File. CA Bar Style’s Approach is a methodical approach that teaches applicants exactly what do to within the allotted timeframe. Applicants will learn how to read through the File properly, how to outline and understand the Task Memorandum and how to outline and read through the Library without wasting time on superfluous information. Applicants will also learn how to properly format and answer the Task Memorandum in the manner the Examiners are looking for.
Applicants must practice at least 4-6 Performance Tests during their CA Bar Exam Preparation. CA Bar Style uses real CA Bar Exam Past 90-minute Performance Tests for practice that reflects the testing standards of the CA Bar Exam. Grading of Performance Tests are thorough and feedback is given regarding structure of your answer, tone of your answer, use of the File Facts, use of the Library Case Law and Statutory Law. CA Bar Style Graders also give an abundance of feedback regarding your ability to properly analyze and answer the task at hand.
Included in both the Premier and Elite Packages (not The Essential Package), Head Tutor Shana Karpeles will track your Performance Test Performance and give additional feedback on your use of the File and Library, how well you answered the assigned task, your objective or persuasive analytical ability and any timing considerations that should be taken. Applicants may be assigned additional Performance Test Practice at this time as well.
CA Bar Style has one of the best Performance Test Approaches for maximizing points on the CA Performance Test. If you are taking the CA Bar Exam, you must pass the Performance Test and we would love to help!