Total amount due to CA Bar Style for Early Access (complimentary) and The Attorney Package Agreement is $5,550.00 for preparation for the February 2023 CA Bar Exam.
* Payment Methods: Payments can be made in cash, via major credit card or by check payable to CA Bar Style, LLC. If mailing payment, please mail it to 15456 Ventura Blvd, Suite 201, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.
If Student is making an installment payment, Student must provide a post-dated check or valid credit card to be held on file for the installment payment to Tutor at time of enrollment.

* Shipment of Materials: CA Bar Style will cover up to $25.00 of Standard, Ground shipping costs. Any requests for First-Class, Express or International Shipping of materials that exceeds a $25.00 shipment costs will have to be covered by Student.

* NON-CANCELLATION: Student may no longer cancel their enrollment once they have been shipped course materials, attended a bar review class, or had access to any online bar review course content. CA Bar Style does not have a cancellation policy. If at any time, and for any reason, Student does not wish to continue the services of CA Bar Style, Student shall remain responsible for all remaining payments due under this enrollment contract. Student understands that this enrollment contract cannot be cancelled once CA Bar Style services have begun even if Student has not utilized the services CA Bar Style has offered them. CA Bar Style agrees to work with Student to make sure the tutoring services are working for Student and will accommodate to the best of their ability any scheduling conflicts or personal issues Student may have.

* BINDING ARBITRATION: Any dispute arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be finally resolved by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its commercial arbitration rules, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered by the Superior Court of California, State of California, in the City of Los Angeles.

* Re-Take: In the event that Student has taken the CA Bar Exam and does not pass, CA Bar Style will offer Student a re-take option of The Elite Package at a rate of $3,425.00 for up to one consecutive bar. The re-take will include everything listed under “The Elite Package” on the cabarstyle.com website at the time of re-take, with the exception of a new printout of any updated course materials. Any new materials at the time of re-take will be emailed to Student as a PDF or given access to online at no additional cost. While no printed set of the updated course materials will be provided, the Student has the option to purchase them.



Pass the CA Bar Exam. Get in touch with us today!